GOAL: $495,000
Thursday, September 14th
5pm-9pm EST
The matter I bring before you is urgent! Please help us Rescue our Mission! We have enjoyed a wonderful partnership with a rent-free lease for the past 22 years. Because of a change in the family dynamics, the owners have decided to sell. To avoid the tragedy of closing our ministry, we have been granted the opportunity to purchase the property for $495,000. We have until September 15th to raise these funds.
This is a daunting task . . . BUT GOD!
By God's grace and with your help - GCRM will own this property and continue to bring "True Hope to the Homeless."
The Garden City Rescue Mission is a 501(c)(3) ministry, and your contributions are tax-deductible. Donations can be made out to Garden City Rescue Mission. Please assign your donation to “Rescue the Rescue Mission.” Any funds raised over the needed amount will be used in the daily ministry of the mission. If unknown factors detour the purchase of the property at our current facility on Fenwick Street, all funds will be used to move the mission forward under the leadership of the board of directors.

You can also send your donation by mail to:
Garden City Rescue Mission
P.O. Box 2493
Augusta, GA 30903
If you have any questions, please call us at 803-634-9673
Please pray for the Garden City Rescue Mission. It is our desire to continue the
work that God has called us to do by sharing the Gospel of Jesus and providing
“True Hope for the Homeless.”
Thank you for your help! Let’s Rescue the Rescue Mission together!