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Brick Wall



Patrick Feistel

Executive Director
Patrick was saved on June 27, 2002, at Bible Baptist Church in Brunswick, GA., and graduated from Victory Baptist Bible College in 2007 with a bachelor's degree in pastoral theology. Patrick is a member of Victory Baptist Church in North Augusta, SC, and is serving as a missionary with Baptist Mission to Forgotten Peoples (BMFP) spreading the gospel to the people in jails, prisons, and those experiencing homelessness in the USA and abroad. Patrick served as a live-in director at Garden City Rescue Mission for a year in 2004 during his time in Bible college. He continued to be involved in the ministry and in November of 2015 Patrick accepted the role of serving as the Executive Director of GCRM.


Julie Feistel

Financial Secretary/EXECUTIVE Assistant
Julie is our Executive Director's wife and serves as his personal assistant. She also serves as our financial secretary, taking care of the day-to-day finances and overseeing the general administration of the business end of the ministry. Julie heads up our women’s ministry on Friday mornings, providing showers, resources, and Bible study for ladies in our community who are experiencing homelessness. In 2020, she joined the staff at Victory Baptist Church, serving in the ladies’ ministry and connect groups.

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Ernestine Johnson

Administrative Support Specialist

Ms. Johnson retired from Augusta Tech. as a practical nursing instructor. Ms. Johnson has been a loyal and devoted volunteer for GCRM and has served as Administrative Support Specialist since November 2016. One of her favorite Scriptures is Luke 1:49 For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. 


Derrick Flakes

Intake Director
Derrick was saved on October 11, 2015, and graduated from Victory Baptist Bible College in 2020. Derrick has been serving as an Intake Director at GCRM since May of 2021. Derrick also enjoys teaching in our Reformers Unanimous Recovery classes and occasionally preaches in our chapel services.


Lee Zellman

Kitchen Coordinator/Intake Director
Lee was a guest of GCRM from June 12, 2009, until he was saved on July 7, 2017. At that time, he joined Victory Baptist Church where he currently serves as an usher. Lee serves as our kitchen Coordinator while also taking on responsibilities as an Intake Director. Lee helps teach and is the assistant coordinator for outreach events. Lee has a passion for serving the Lord, especially in the homeless ministry.


Mitchell Morris

Mitchell was a drug addict who came to us on July 16, 2020, after being released from prison. Mitchell joined our recovery program and rededicated his life to the Lord on July 25, 2020, and has been wide open for Jesus ever since. Today he serves with our media ministry in the chapel services, helps teach in our recovery classes, and serves as a volunteer staff member staying up 2 nights a week as our night security man. Mitchell is attending Bible college classes with Pastor Michael Brendel.


Brandon Casey Dixon

Intake Director
Casey spent 4 years in the Navy and eventually moved to Swainsboro, GA where he worked as a lumber grader for several years. After years of struggling with alcohol addiction and losing his job, he came to GCRM on December 9, 2016. Just 16 days later, he gave his heart to Jesus on Christmas day and followed the Lord in believers’ baptism. Casey has been an asset to the ministry and is currently serving as an Intake Director and anywhere else he is needed. Casey’s motto is “It’s all about Jesus.”

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John B. Gordon

Intake Director/Donation Coordinator
After meeting JB at a truck stop just off I-20 on August 5, 2015, we put $10 of gas in his tank, and he came to GCRM. Three months later in November 2015, he gave his heart to Jesus and was baptized the following January. Since his salvation, JB has been passionate about getting people off the streets and into the mission so they can come into a relationship with Jesus. He serves as an Intake Director, donation coordinator, accountability partner to the men in the program, and right-hand man to our Executive Director, and JB is a die-hard Georgia Bulldogs fan!



Steven is originally from Brunswick, GA. He worked on a shrimp boat and had other various jobs while suffering many years from an alcohol and drug addiction. Steven spent 1-1/2 years on the streets before he came to GCRM on May 02, 2017. In the beginning of 2018 Steven trusted Christ as his Savior and followed the Lord in believers' baptism at Victory Baptist Church in North Augusta, SC. Since then, Steven has graduated our recovery program and currently serves as our night security man and all out handyman. Steven loves serving the Lord at GCRM.

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