GCRM provides our guests with breakfast and dinner every day; the men in our recovery program also receive lunch each day. Many groups and ministries help GCRM offset this burden by signing up on our calendar to provide and serve dinner one evening per week.
Meal providers typically bring in their meals from another location and use our kitchen for preparing, food plating, and serving. This has a huge impact on the men in our ministry. Ideally, our lonely and broken clients are sitting down to a thoughtful, nutritious dinner being served as honored guests. After taking a warm shower, getting some clean clothes, and being served a special meal, these men really start to believe that people do care about and love them. This sets the stage for them to comfortably listen in our nightly Chapel service, without distractions from certain physical needs.
Warehouse Volunteers
GCRM depends on generous donations from our community for clothing, toiletry, and cleaning supplies to provide resources to our guests. These items are dropped off daily usually mix-matched in boxes and bags. We are thankful for our thoughtful hard-working volunteers who work diligently, weekly, to sort and distribute these precious resources in our ministry.
Resource Volunteers
We love to do open-air, bi-annual, Resource Events at GCRM. The dates of events are posted on our website and Facebook page once they are scheduled. These events offer many opportunities for volunteers to serve. Here is a list of some volunteer opportunities at our resource events: registration table, birth certificates, reading glasses, hygiene & clothing items, greeters, evangelism, drivers, haircuts, servers, cooking, food plating, set-up, tear-down, sound, caregiver, distribute Bibles, medical, outreach, trash, mentors, drink station, face painting, misc.
To Become a volunteer for GCRM
Please Call 706-724-6960 opt.1